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«ARCHITECTURE. Town planning. Restoration». Specialized exhibition. 23 –26 May 2001, «Mikhailovsky Manege» Exhibition Center

The exhibition will be held at one of the best venues in the historical center of St.Petersburg – Mikhailovsky Manege.

The event is organized by RESTEC Exhibition Company within the project «300th Anniversary of St.Petersburg» with the support of the St.Petersburg Administration Committee for Town Planning and Architecture, Committee for State Control, Usage and Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, St.Petersburg Association of Construction Companies «Soyuzpetrostroy».

The exhibition presents architectural solutions for different buildings and facilities, modern design methods, reconstruction and restoration, new technologies in construction and manufacture of high-quality construction and finishing materials. Holding such specialized exhibition in St.Petersburg is quite symbolic as the city is famous for architectural ensembles which are considered outstanding masterpieces of town planning art and treasures of the world architecture.

In 2001 the exhibition «Architecture. Town Planning. Restoration» attracted great attention from representatives of restoration and architectural organizations, design unions, museums and archives, manufacturers of construction materials and structures. Already the first exhibition attracted such restoration workshops of Russia as Art-Expert, Decorum, Intarsia, Pikalov

— architectural solutions for construction and reconstruction of facilities;

— modern technologies in construction, reconstruction and restoration;

— small architectural forms; methods and means for maintenance of territories;

— landscape architecture;

— restoration of city facilities and monuments;

— restoration of temples, cathedral, churches;

— restoration of pictures, interior articles.

The exhibition will include a conference and the contest «City Architectural Outlook» for best architectural solution.

For further information on participation in the exhibition «Architecture. Town Planning. Restoration», to obtain event program as well as to order complimentary tickets, please contact the Organizers:

RESTEC Exhibition Company Tel: +7 (812) 320-8094, 230-1914 Fax: +7 (812) 320-8090 E-mail:port@restec.spb.su


Флагшток IFP — элегантная визитная карточка. Проблемы электроснабжения и электрозащиты. Клеммники. Актуальные вопросы безопасного применения навесных фасадных систем с воздушным зазором для зданий различного назначения. ALUCOBOND ® – лучший выбор для вашего фасада. Вентилируемые фасады «НАВЕК» – красивое лицо вашего дома. «БФК-Алюминий»: новые технологии структурного остекления. Строительный комплекс Тульской области: проблемы, решения, перспективы.

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