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Spetsghidroizoliatsija Monolit: New Technologies to Fight Moisture

— Viktor Mikhailovich, hydro-insulation of facilities is a very important and perspective branch of construction. Your company has successfully fought with destructive influence of moisture for a long time. And what did you begin with?

— Our work is very important. But often it can’t be seen at first sight — generally hydro-insulation is necessary for underground facilities — basements, tunnels, mines, etc.

This kind of activity demands wide experience and special background, constant desire to get new knowledge, learn modern technologies and make your own researches.

Me and other managers of the company have scientific background. We began to examine problems of hydro-insulation at Kolsky Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (Apatity, Murmansk region).

— Name the most important objects you worked on, please.

— In different years we fulfilled hydro-insulation of constructions for such famous Russian companies as Norilsky Nikel and Abrau Durso.

As to St. Petersburg built on water this city is exposed to inundations and the problem of hydro-insulation is obvious here. We regularly execute hydro-insulation of tunnels, mines and lobbies of the city underground. Our old partners are St. Petersburg companies Metrostroy and Metrocontact.

— Do you possess any unique technologies?

— We’ve worked out unique equipment and Polimersintez Institute from Vladimir according to our technical tasks made the recipes and compositions of poly-urethanes with high percolating possibility specially for porous and concrete constructions’ hydro-insulation. When all the other kinds of insulation are impotent our technology gives safe results.

Besides, we constructed manual cogwheel pumps for works in tunnels with broken hydro-insulation. This techniques doesn’t demand electric energy (which makes work in wet tunnels safe) and doesn’t make high pressure that can destroy construction.

Not long ago the specialists of Spetsghidroizoliatsija worked out technology for making deformation joints. With its usage constructions will get possibility to deform without being destroyed and will be protected from moisture percolation.

— What are your nearest plans?

— Our company is being widened. It is beneficial for customer when one contractor fulfills complex of works. For example, pumping stations often need not only Spetsghidroizoliatsija Monolit hydro-insulation but also reconstruction, change of the well’s configuration, building of new baffles, etc. There appears necessity of concrete, casing, armature and some other works. We’ve got licenses for all these kinds of works and today execute complex works on several objects.

— Victor Mikhailovich, you visit regularly International construction fairs...

— Of course. I’ve said we want to be au courant of all novelties in the sphere of underground facilities’ and constructions’ hydro-insulation. And this time at Parisian Batimat we hope to speak to colleagues and find possible contacts with foreign partners.

199034, 12, 1 st. Line of the Vasilyevsky Island, Office 7, St. Petersburg, Russia Tel./fax: +7 (812) 323-8047


Ячеистые бетоны, армированные минеральными волокнами. «Свеза-Лес»: высокий стандарт ламинированной фанеры. «Петромикс»: развитие продолжается. Фасады Петербурга как образ самовыражения эпох. О применении легких утеплителей из стекловолокна в конструкциях навесных вентилируемых фасадов. С открытой системы на закрытую. Рынок алюминиевых композитных панелей.

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