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We are going to Leipzig to learn

— This year the exhibition is to be held in Leipzig and the event is of great importance to us. It is mainly due to Exibition 2003 which is to take place in St.- Petersburg. What we are doing now is a kind of rehearsal before the jubilee celebrations to come. That is why our layout in Leipzig will be quite unusual. We have decided to change our themes this time, as we would like to give an extensive presentation of the achievements in Russian restoration and not only to introduce them but also to demonstrate how they work. To the exhibition we take our skillful craftsmen, our samples and technologies.

— What are the goals of the present restoration forum as you see them?

Any exhibition is an event, which is first of all aimed at image making. Thereupon it is most important for me to unite our restores and to let them see that in the present situation when there is so much work and market competition is weak, we should keep in mind that it will not last forever. The situation will change, so it is necessary to show oneself off, to advertise and to get access to foreign markets.

Unfortunately our restores not always understand what it means. Now I say that one of our main problems is our inability to show ourselves off, to advertise ourselves. The times when Russian restorations were famous all over the world have passed and we have lost the fame that was ours in 1940s and 50s. Nowadays we are known in our native city at the best, worse known in Moscow and throughout Russia. And it is no use counting on the past; it is high tine we lived for the future. A lot of foreign restoration companies direct about 50% of their energies at advertising whereas our energies in this direction make zero in total. Our restoration industry has preserved antiquated ways that may look out of date but in comparison with construction industry it is quite distinctive. There are both strong and week points in the way we work. As for American management it is not always applicable in our conditions and in any case we should learn, look for new approaches and solutions.

— What would be your wishes to the participants of the exhibition?

— First of all I would like to congratulate those who take part in the exhibition and once again I want to emphasize the necessity of attaching more significance to self-promotion. Nowadays it is very important to study marketing, to learn skills of self-introduction and to know how to sale, that is the main goal of the events like the oncoming exhibition. Perhaps we are working too hard now and are to busy to look round, but it is a very considerable drawback, which will become very noticeable in a very short time.


Производство сборных железобетонных изделий: технология и оборудование. «Интарсия»: возрождая великое!. Анализ процессов структурообразования и твердения в цементных материалах с минеральными добавками. Бетонные мини-заводы и строительные макси-проблемы. ООО «НВМ ПРОМ»: оборудование и технологии для производства пенобетона. Технологии и оборудование от «Сармат-торнадо». Конструкции из сталефибробетона долговечны и надежны.

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