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«Under the supervision of the French expert Ives Montagnier, with the help of French technology we fully restored all lighting fixtures on the first two floors of the Pavlovsk Palace within an incredibly short time», recalls Modul’s General Director Mikhail Matveev. «Handling original masterpieces – antique chandeliers, lamps and lanterns – we gained invaluable experience we later drew on to perform similar work on other historical landmarks, such as the Catherine and Yusupov Palaces. One of our most challenging assignments was the restoration of a nearly 1.5-ton mostly cut-glass chandelier above the main staircase of the Yusupov Palace. We had to take the whole thing apart, piece by minute piece. Our specialists reinforced its carcass and threw brass connectors between some of its elements to deter electrochemical corrosion. The fasteners of the crystal pendants were fully replaced. Each cut-glass part was re-attached anew».

Modul professionals have restored numerous lighting fixtures at the Yusupov Palace, as well as its magnificent bouquets of metal flowers – roses, narcissi, carnations and chrysanthemums – for the palace’s remarkable collection of cobalt-blue porcelain vases streaked with gold, manufactured at the renowned Sevre Factory in Paris in the early 19th century. The company invented a whole new restoration know-how working on these masterpieces. Every petal, every leaf was fashioned out of a separate sheet of metal. The bouquets look really natural.

Modul restorers have helped bring back several crucial landmarks and artworks, including the unique iconostasis at the monastery on Valaam Island, which they electroformed to look like wood, and 32 lighting fixtures for the Kremlin, which have taken the pride of place in the President’s suite. Modul has performed restoration work for Moscow’s Pushkin Museum, the Pushkin Memorial Home at 12 Moika Embankment in St. Petersburg, the Nekrasov Memorial Home at 36 Liteiny Prospect, and Ivan Turgenev’s Memorial Estate In Spasskoe-Lutovinovo. For the Cameron Gallery at the Catherine Palace, Modul has restored an intricately designed cast openwork lantern of rare beauty with cut-through patterns in the Oriental style, as well as a number of chandeliers.

Modul has also performed a number of restoration assignments for the National Museum of Urban Sculpture, including the lion statues by the Palace Bridge on the Admiralty Embankment (restored in summer 2001), and the monument to Mikhail Lomonosov, a great Russian scientist, historian, poet and artist.

Original artwork by Modul restoration artists is hard to match. These are true masters of great talent, working for the benefit of their city.

Modul 94 Moika Embankment 190000 St. Petersburg, Russia Tel/Fax: (812) 311-6821


Энергосберегающие технологии ОАО «Термостепс-МТЛ». О ходе реализации Федеральной целевой программы «Развитие наружного освещения Санкт-Петербурга «Светлый город» на 2000—2003 годы. Олимпийский год — не только для олимпийцев. Сведение водных балансов на источниках теплоты. О «ненужных» и «избыточных» функциях приборов учета воды и тепла. Влияние воздухопроницаемости наружных ограждений зданий на эффективность воздухообмена помещений. «Вента»: гарантированное качество.

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