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Providing Mutual Understanding

Partner of Industry

Since early 1996, EGO Translating has been building up partnerships in domestic manufacturing industries with a special focus on heavy engineering, including ship building, machine building and instrument-making, as well as telecommunications, construction, the chemical and food industries. EGO is an expert translator of investment project documentation, and is well versed in scientific, technical, legal and economic translation.

EGO the Expert

EGO Translating is the only language services firm in St. Petersburg and north-western Russia that can handle technical drawings in any format irrespective of complexity. This capability cannot be overestimated when it comes to project documentation, regulations, tender bidding packages, equipment catalogues, technical specifications, and so on.

The company’s translation expertise in most industries assures correct and consistently applied professional terminology. As a result, the company is qualified to deliver quality translations on any narrowly specialised subject within the shortest time. Being keen on minimising order processing time for its client, EGO Translating accepts and delivers translations by email, fax or courier.

EGO Rates

Streamlined translation processes and substantial volumes of business assure low prices without the slightest loss in quality.

EGO Geography

An acclaimed leader in the translation services market of north-western Russia, EGO Translating Company also boasts a substantial client base in Moscow and the provinces all the way to Siberia and the Far East.

An active international player, EGO Translating facilitates international business both inside and outside Russia.

EGO Team

EGO Translating is the leading language services firm in north-western Russia employing advanced marketing techniques and propagating very high standards of executive culture. There is practically no challenge our professional team of 100 full-time staff and more than 2000 independent contractors could not handle successfully.

For more than 12 years we have been doing our best to render your ideas in another language with meticulous accuracy. Your success really matters to us. Your success is our business.

EGO Translating Company Postal address: 2 Muchnoi pereulok, St. Petersburg 191023, Russia Tel. +7(812) 310-1288, 113-4713 Fax: +7(812) 310-2858, 113-4713 E-mail: manager@translating.spb.ru, secr@translating.spb.ru www.translating.spb.ru


КЗС: в строительстве сделан решающий шаг. ОАО «СКДМ»: качество, надежность, долговечность. Железнодорожники озабочены пропускной способностью и строительством. Компания — лидер. Перспективные местные теплоизоляционные материалы. Особенности конструкций и устройства кровель в регионах с холодным климатом. Модернизация снизит себестоимость и повысит качество.

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